Επόμενες χιον/σεις: Καιμάκτσαλαν: Πέμπτη 20 Μαρτίου πρωί 15cm Φαλακρό: Πέμπτη 20 Μαρτίου μεσημέρι 3cm Παρνασσός: Σάββατο 22 Μαρτίου μεσημέρι 5cm Βασιλίτσα: Κυριακή 23 Μαρτίου μεσημέρι 1cm Χελμός: Κυριακή 23 Μαρτίου βράδυ 32cm

Με τη νέα ψηφιακή Snow Report κάρτα έχετε έκπτωση στην αγορά του Ski Pass στα περισσότερα χιονοδρομικά. Δείτε τις προσφορές εδώ
In operation today: 11 ski resorts engaging 59 ski lifts of a total length 35 km 7 Weather stations
Weather stations: ΚΑΙΜΑΚΤΣΑΛΑΝ 2090m 4.1c -1.2c 3.2Km/h (15:05) ΒΑΣΙΛΙΤΣΑ 1780m 6.4c 1.1c 8.0Km/h (10:37) ΠΑΡΝΑΣΣΟΣ 1950m 7.3c 0.7c 4.8Km/h (12:40) ΖΗΡΕΙΑ 1520μ 9.0c -1.6c 1.6Km/h (11:33) ΑΝΗΛΙΟ 9.3c 0.6c 6.4Km/h (14:11) ΠΕΡΤΟΥΛΙ 1170m 12.3c -1.6c 6.4Km/h (16:33) ΠΙΣΟΔΕΡI 1547μ 18c -c 0Km/h (15:09)
32 Live Streams 22 Snow Cams


Last Update: not today | Greek version here!

The renovation process of the Chalet will be concluded tomorrow and heavy snowfall is expected for the following 24hours. Therefore, we will be ready to welcome you with lots of fresh and soft snow, ideal for skiing, snowboarding and other snow activities, on Saturday January 14 2018. You will also have the opportunity to enjoy the pleasant and cozy atmosphere of our remodeled Chalet. Thank you!
Anilio ski resort is temporarily closed due to maintenance services. In addition, the renovation process of the Chalet is running smoothly and we do hope that we will be able to welcome you during the Weekend.
The ski resort will be open for skiing, snowboarding and many other winter-snow activities on Saturday, January 13. Snowfall is expected on Thursday night and Friday. Therefore fresh snow will be ideal for a weekend break of the city and work.
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