Επόμενες χιον/σεις: Καιμάκτσαλαν: Πέμπτη 20 Μαρτίου πρωί 15cm Φαλακρό: Πέμπτη 20 Μαρτίου μεσημέρι 3cm Παρνασσός: Σάββατο 22 Μαρτίου μεσημέρι 5cm Βασιλίτσα: Κυριακή 23 Μαρτίου μεσημέρι 1cm Χελμός: Κυριακή 23 Μαρτίου βράδυ 32cm

Με τη νέα ψηφιακή Snow Report κάρτα έχετε έκπτωση στην αγορά του Ski Pass στα περισσότερα χιονοδρομικά. Δείτε τις προσφορές εδώ
In operation today: 11 ski resorts engaging 59 ski lifts of a total length 35 km 7 Weather stations
Weather stations: ΚΑΙΜΑΚΤΣΑΛΑΝ 2090m 4.1c -1.2c 3.2Km/h (15:05) ΒΑΣΙΛΙΤΣΑ 1780m 6.4c 1.1c 8.0Km/h (10:37) ΠΑΡΝΑΣΣΟΣ 1950m 7.3c 0.7c 4.8Km/h (12:40) ΖΗΡΕΙΑ 1520μ 9.0c -1.6c 1.6Km/h (11:33) ΑΝΗΛΙΟ 9.3c 0.6c 6.4Km/h (14:11) ΠΕΡΤΟΥΛΙ 1170m 12.3c -1.6c 6.4Km/h (16:33) ΠΙΣΟΔΕΡI 1547μ 18c -c 0Km/h (15:09)
32 Live Streams 22 Snow Cams


Last Update: not today | Greek version here!

There are three ski centres around Metsovo:
1. POLITSIES AREA (POL) ALT 1360-1620m. This centre is 4km away from Mestovo. It has easy tracks, quite short in length. There's a chalet with a restaurant and coffee shop, ski shcools, equipment rental stores and snow truck rental (a vehicle resembling a small bus with two wagons which takes people on snow rides).
2. KARAKOLI AREA (KAR) ALT 1340-1520m It is 1,5km away from Metsovo. It has only one lift (single-seater) that runs a total of 800m and accommodates two tracks, one of which is 900m long (easy) and the other 1.100m long (very easy).
3. ZYGOS AREAS (ZYG) ALT 1680-1850m There is only a two-seater lift and 3 tracks. There is a Lang lauf track of 5km up to 10 km.

By sending a written message "snow met" to 54344 you receive information regarding the operation of the Mestovo ski centres as well as regarding the following discount offer

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